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Creative Juice

Jan 30, 2024

Did you know that a fan who is a customer is 5 times more likely to buy from you again? Armed with that fact, it's mission critical for artists to convert fans into customers...


So in this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa open up the strategy vault and break down the process of converting fans into customers...

Jan 23, 2024

Want to unravel the mystery behind marketing funnels and their role in music marketing? While funnels might just sound like marketing jargon, the reality is that they play a critical role in your music business already...


In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa demystify the buzz around marketing funnels to...

Jan 16, 2024

The concept of branding gets a lot of talk in the music industry, but how do you apply it to your music day-to-day?


In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa dive into what branding truly means for your music career! Learn about what a brand is (and what it isn't), the misconceptions artists and music industry...

Jan 9, 2024

Make no mistake...creating and sharing social media content for your music isn't easy and for artists getting started, burnout can set in fast. So, how do you avoid it?


In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa discuss content creation and how music is discovered today and how artists can reframe their...

Jan 2, 2024

Spend more than two minutes scrolling your social feeds as an artist and you'll be drowned in content about "getting more fans". When does fan base growth become a buzzphrase that doesn't serve your music career?


In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa explore why fan growth is just one leg of your music...